Figure 1 describes a global structure of
system. Data
are acquired from ground (National
Institute for Earth Physics seismic stations) and satellites.

Figure 1. General
structure of a complex monitoring
station and data processing [7]
stations are mainly for seismic monitoring. Few of them (figure
2) include other kind of sensors: infrasound, meteorological, telluric
fields and GPS. The project launched
in 2013 will extend the sensor area (Multidisciplinary
complex system for
monitoring clouds, aerosols and solar radiation in correlation with
seismic activity,
grant of the Romanian National Authority for Scientific Research).
We have started to monitor and analyze atmospheric
aerosols, ions, clouds and solar radiation in relationship with
conditions (temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure, wind speed and
direction, variations of the telluric currents, variations of the local
magnetic field and infrasound, variations of the atmospheric
field, variations in the earth crust with inclinometers,
electromagnetic and
seismic activity, animal
behavior). Figure 1
describes the monitoring station
structure and figure
is an
example of multidisciplinary analysis..