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Programme for Research-Development-Innovation
for Space Technology and Advanced Research - STAR

84/ 2013


General Description
Station Structure
Monitoring Network
Seismic Energy
Multidisciplinary Analysis
Real Time Information
Vrancea Seismicity

      Multidisciplinary complex system for  monitoring clouds, aerosols and solar  radiation in correlation with Vrancea seismic activity

7. Disemination

First results were presented to international conferences:
  1.     EGU General Assembly 2014, "Complex monitoring and alert network for electromagnetic, infrasound, acoustic seismotectonic phenomena", Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 16, EGU2014-2446 Poster;
  2.     IBWAP (The 14th International Balkan Workshop on Applied Physics, 2-4 July 2014, Constanta) COMPLEX MONITORING AND ALERT SYSTEM FOR
  3.     Second European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, 2ECEES, “EARTHQUAKE FORECASTING USING ACOUSTIC WAVES”, 24-29 August 2014, Istanbul
  4.     International Workshop on Electromagnetic Phenomena Associated with Earthquakes and Volcanoes, EMSEV 2014, Polonia, 22-26 September, "Multidisciplinary analysis of earthquake preparatory processes"
  5.     Victorin-Emilian TOADER , Iren-Adelina MOLDOVAN, IONESCU Constantin,
    Network seismic forecasting for Vrancea area, IUGG General Assembly 2015, Praga 
  6.     IBWAP (The 15th International Balkan Workshop on Applied Physics, 2-4 July 2015, Constanta), Detection of events in a multidisciplinary network monitoring Vrancea area 
  7.   Toader, V.E., Moldovan I.A., Ionescu C., Complex monitoring and alert system for seismotectonic phenomena, Romanian Journal of Physics, 2015, V60, Nr 7-8,       1225-1233.
  8.     Iren-Adelina Moldovan, Angela Petruta Constantin, Pier Francesco Biagi, Dragos Toma-Danila, A.S. Moldovan, Paul Dolea, Victorin Emilian Toader, Tommaso Maggipinto, The development of the Romanian VLF/LF Monitoring System as Part of the International Network for Frontier Research on Earthquake Precursors (INFREP), Romanian Journal of Physics, Romanian Journal of Physics, 2015, Vol 60, Nr 7-8, 1203 – 1217.
  9.    V.E Toader, Iren-Adelina Moldovan, Alexandru Marmureanu, Constantin Ionescu, Detection of Events in a Multidisciplinary Network Monitoring Vrancea Area, Romanian Journal of Physics, Romanian Journal of Physics, 2016, Vol 61, Nr 7-8, 1437 – 1449.
  10.     EGU General Assembly 2016, "The reability of radon as seismic precursor", Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 18, EGU2016-9108, Poster.
   A monitoring network involves a multidisciplinary activity that highlights the interdependence of environmental factors (air, earth) and their balance under normal conditions. Weather or seismic events represent the point of maximum imbalance.
          Electromagnetic, infrasound, seismoacoustic, air ionization and solar radiation monitoring, in correlation with global and local environmental factors (including seismic zones), is a new approach for atmospheric study in our area. The result of this project is the growth of the seismic alert service through: perfecting risk evaluation, seismic forecast, informing the decision factors regarding the impact minimization of natural disasters and the education of the population.
  NIEP has a seismic and tsunami early warning service that inform the Romanian Government, the ISUs (Inspectorate for Emergency Situations in Romania and Bulgaria) and the Romanian Ministry of Defense.
    The analysis using cumulative energy indicates an increase of seismicity in Vrancea area. An earthquake cannot be precisely predicted but can be expected from the accumulation of energy which results in a release through one or more earthquakes.

    Figure 6. NIEP Information and Alert Center [7]