Figure 3 shows
the selected seismic area. Yellow means depth less than 50 Km, light
blue 50 Km - 100 Km and dark blue over 100 Km.

Figure 3.
seismic energy evolution for Vrancea area
The seismicity and the cumulative energy
evolution are presented in the picture 3. Two
successive earthquake in a short time interval
(5.5R, 13/10/06 and 4.9R, 13/10/15) are the cause of ‘jump’ of energy.
The seismic cumulative energy is calculated with formulas (Richter
1958, Båth 1983,Tselentis
1997)[1,2]. The software used was presented
at EGU-2013-3880 session[3]. Seismic informations are from NIEP data
base and EMSC [4,5].